Everest Base Camp Trek (5364m)

location_onKathmandu, Nepal | Hiking & Trekking
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The Everest Base Camp Trek, commonly known as the EBC trek, is an exciting adventure through the stunning landscapes of Nepal's khumbu region, which is home to the great Everest . This incredible trek is a must-do for any adventurer. as you begin this captivating walk, you will be surrounded by the natural beauty of Sagarmatha National Park . The trail winds through thick and picturesque forests, where you will be greeted by chattering birds and the scent of wildflowers. you will travel through picturesque sherpa villages along the way, where communities provide an intriguing peek into the sherpa culture and way of life. you will also have chance to visit old Buddhist monasteries, where you can observe monks in prayer and absorb the serene enviroment. The Everest base camp trek will take you across glacial moraines , where you will observe natures raew strentgh. the majestic peaks of Everest, Lhotse, Nupse, pumori, Ama Dablam, Island Peak, Mera Peak , and many more will dominate the horizon, leaving you speechless. for those looking for a thrill, the Ebc trek includes possibilities to climb iconic peaks such as island peak climbing skills to the test and provide a sense of accomplishment.
Typical Daykeyboard_double_arrow_up
The Everest Base Camp (EBC) Trek is a challenging and rewarding adventure in the Khumbu region of Nepal. Here's a description of a typical day during the Everest Base Camp Trek:


1. Wake Up Early: Trekkers often wake up around 6:00 AM or earlier to start the day with a spectacular sunrise view over the Himalayas.

2. Breakfast: A hearty breakfast is essential for energy. Common choices include porridge, eggs, bread, and tea.

3. Pack and Prepare: Trekkers pack their daypacks with essentials for the day's trek, including water, snacks, and any items needed for the day.

4. Start Trekking: The trek typically begins around 7:00 AM. The trails can be challenging, with steep ascents and descents.

5. Morning Trek: Trekkers navigate through picturesque villages, terraced fields, and dense forests, enjoying breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains.

6. Tea Breaks: Short breaks are taken at tea houses or teahouses along the route for refreshments and to rest.

7. Lunch Break: Around midday, trekkers stop at a teahouse for lunch. Typical meals include rice, noodles, pasta.

8. Rest and Acclimatization: After lunch, there might be some rest time to acclimatize to the altitude, especially as trekkers reach higher elevations.

Afternoon Trek: 9. Continue Trekking: The afternoon trek may involve crossing suspension bridges, traversing high ridges, and passing through Sherpa villages like Namche Bazaar and Tengboche.

10. Arrive at Destination: Trekkers aim to reach the day's destination, usually a village with teahouses, before the late afternoon to rest and relax.

Evening: 11. Dinner: Dinner is usually served around 6:00 PM at the teahouse where trekkers stay for the night. Meals include a variety of options, and it's important to stay hydrated.

12. Rest and Socialize: Evenings are for resting, socializing with fellow trekkers, and sharing experiences. Some teahouses provide common areas with a stove, where trekkers gather to keep warm.

13. Prepare for the Next Day: Trekkers may review the next day's route, charge electronic devices, and make any necessary preparations for the following day's trek.

Night: 14. Sleep: As temperatures drop significantly at higher altitudes, trekkers often head to bed early, aiming for a good night's sleep to prepare for the challenges of the next day.

It's important to note that the Everest Base Camp Trek requires physical fitness, proper acclimatization, and preparation for changing weather conditions. Trekkers should follow the guidance of experienced guides and take necessary precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey
Rates & Availabilitykeyboard_double_arrow_up
(All rates in USD $)
March - May
Per Person
Sep - Nov
Per Person
Dec - Feb
Per Person
Jun - August
Per Person
The Everest Base Camp (EBC) Trek is a popular and iconic trekking route in the Everest region of Nepal. It takes trekkers to the base camp of the world's highest peak, Mount Everest (8,848 meters or 29,029 feet). Here are some key aspects and considerations related to the Everest Base Camp Trek:

1. Duration:
The standard duration for the Everest Base Camp Trek is approximately 14 days, excluding arrival and departure days.
The trek involves walking for 5 to 7 hours per day on average.

2. Permits:
Trekkers are required to obtain permits for the Everest region. The two main permits are the Sagarmatha National Park Permit and the Khumbu Pasang Lhamu Rural Municipality Entry Permit.

3. Costs:
The cost of the Everest Base Camp Trek can vary depending on various factors, such as the trekking agency chosen, the duration of the trek, and the services included. On average, the cost ranges from $1,500 to $3,000 USD per person.

4. Trekking Seasons:
The primary trekking seasons are pre-monsoon (spring) from late April to early June and post-monsoon (fall) from late September to early November. These periods offer stable weather conditions and clearer skies.

5. Accommodation:
Tea houses and lodges along the trail provide accommodation. Rooms are basic with shared facilities. The higher you ascend, the more basic the facilities become.

6. Altitude and Acclimatization:
Altitude sickness is a concern, and proper acclimatization is crucial. The trek usually includes acclimatization days in places like Namche Bazaar and Dingboche to help trekkers adapt to the high altitude.

7. Fitness Level:
The trek is considered moderate to strenuous. Trekkers should be in good physical condition and preferably have some trekking experience.

8. Guides and Porters:
Hiring a guide and/or porter is common and can enhance the trekking experience. Guides provide information about the region, and porters can carry a portion of the load, making the trek more manageable.

9. Equipment:
Proper trekking gear is essential. This includes warm clothing, trekking boots, a good quality backpack, and other necessary items. It's advisable to be well-prepared for various weather conditions.

10. Insurance:
Travel insurance that covers high-altitude trekking, including medical evacuation, rescue is highly recommended.

Before embarking on the Everest Base Camp Trek, it's crucial to research and plan thoroughly. Many trekkers choose to join organized trekking groups led by experienced guides for a smoother and safer experience.

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  • check Shuttle Service - Complimentary

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  • check Meals
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Age range, type of groupkeyboard_double_arrow_up
The Everest Base Camp trek is a challenging and adventurous journey that attracts a diverse range of trekkers. While there isn't a strict age limit, it's important to note that the trek involves strenuous physical activity and high altitudes, which can pose challenges for some individuals. Here's a general description of the typical age range and characteristics of those who undertake the Everest Base Camp trek:

1. Age Range:
Minimum Age: Generally, participants should be at least 16 to 18 years old, as younger individuals may find it physically demanding.
Maximum Age: There isn't a strict maximum age, but individuals should be in good health and fitness, regardless of age.

2. Fitness Level:
Participants should be in good physical condition. Regular exercise and cardiovascular fitness are crucial due to the challenging terrain and long trekking days.
Prior trekking experience is beneficial but not mandatory.

3. Group Type:
Mixed Groups: Everest Base Camp trek groups often consist of individuals from various countries and backgrounds, creating a diverse and enriching experience.
Small Groups: Group sizes can vary, but smaller groups (around 10-15 participants) are common. Smaller groups allow for better interaction with guides and a more intimate trekking experience.
Guided Tours: Many trekkers choose guided tours with experienced local guides who provide support, share insights about the region, and ensure safety.
Solo Trekkers: Some individuals may choose to trek solo, but it's recommended to have prior trekking experience and be well-prepared for the challenges.

4. Adventure Enthusiasts:
Participants are often adventure enthusiasts seeking a challenging trek that offers breathtaking landscapes, cultural experiences, and a sense of accomplishment.
The trek appeals to those with an interest in mountaineering and the iconic Everest region.
Altitude Considerations:

Participants should be aware of the potential risks associated with high altitudes. Acclimatization is crucial to minimize the risk of altitude sickness.
It's important for individuals considering the Everest Base Camp trek to consult with a healthcare professional, undergo a thorough physical examination, and be honest about their fitness level before embarking on this adventure. Additionally, proper preparation and acclimatization are key factors in ensuring a safe and enjoyable trekking experience.
Sleeping and mealskeyboard_double_arrow_up
Sleeping arrangements and meals play crucial roles in the Everest Base Camp trek, as trekkers need adequate rest and nutrition to cope with the physical demands and high altitudes. Here's an overview of what to expect in terms of sleeping accommodations and meals during the trek:

1. Sleeping Arrangements:
Teahouse Lodges:
Along the trekking route, there are numerous teahouse lodges, providing basic accommodation facilities.
Teahouses offer a range of rooms, from dormitory-style to private rooms with varying degrees of comfort.
Rooms typically include a bed with blankets or sleeping bags. However, it's advisable to bring your own sleeping bag for added warmth and comfort.

2. Altitude Considerations:
As you ascend to higher altitudes, the accommodation facilities become more basic. At higher elevations, there might be shared facilities, and heating may be limited.

3. Reservations: During the peak trekking seasons, it's advisable to make reservations in advance, especially in popular teahouse lodges.
Common Areas:

Teahouses often have communal dining areas where trekkers can socialize, relax, and enjoy meals.
4. Meals:
Teahouse Meals:
Meals are typically provided at the teahouses where you stay.
The menu at teahouses offers a variety of options, including Nepali, Tibetan, and international dishes.
Common food items include rice, noodles, soup, dal (lentil soup), vegetables, meat (often yak or chicken), and a variety of snacks.

5. Dining Schedule:
Trekkers usually have breakfast and dinner at the teahouses where they stay.
Breakfast might include items like porridge, eggs, toast, and tea or coffee.
Dinners often consist of a selection of carbohydrates, proteins, and vegetables.

Staying hydrated is crucial at high altitudes. Trekkers are advised to drink plenty of fluids, such as water, herbal teas, and soups.
Trail Snacks:

It's a good idea to carry some energy snacks like nuts, chocolate, and energy bars for quick boosts during the trek.
Special Dietary Needs:

Teahouses are generally accommodating to dietary preferences and restrictions, but it's advisable to communicate any specific needs in advance.
Purification of Water:

It's essential to purify or treat water before drinking to avoid waterborne illnesses. Trekkers can use water purification tablets or carry water filters.
Overall, while the sleeping accommodations and meals on the Everest Base Camp trek are basic, they are designed to meet the needs of trekkers and provide a comfortable resting place after a day of challenging trekking. Trekkers should be prepared for a rustic experience, embracing the simplicity of the lodges and the opportunity to connect with fellow adventurers along the way.
The Everest Base Camp Trek involves trekking through challenging terrain and high altitudes, and there are certain restrictions and considerations that trekkers need to be aware of. These restrictions are in place to ensure the safety and well-being of trekkers, as well as to preserve the environment and respect local customs. Here are some key restrictions and considerations for the Everest Base Camp Trek:

1. Permit Requirements:
Trekkers are required to obtain permits to enter the Sagarmatha National Park, where Everest Base Camp is located. Additionally, a TIMS (Trekkers' Information Management System) card is usually required.
Health and Fitness:
While there isn't a strict medical examination requirement, trekkers should be in good health and reasonably fit. Altitude-related illnesses such as acute mountain sickness (AMS) are a concern, so it's important to acclimatize properly and be aware of symptoms.

2. Minimum Age:
While there isn't a strict minimum age for the Everest Base Camp Trek, it's generally recommended for individuals who are at least 16 to 18 years old. Younger participants may find the physical demands and high altitudes challenging.

3. Altitude Considerations:
Trekkers should be aware of the risks associated with high altitudes and adhere to recommended acclimatization schedules. It's crucial to recognize symptoms of altitude sickness and descend if necessary.

4. Environmental Conservation:
Trekkers are expected to follow the principles of "Leave No Trace" to minimize their impact on the environment. This includes proper disposal of waste, carrying out trash, and respecting local flora and fauna.

5. Respect for Local Culture:
Trekkers should respect the local customs, traditions, and beliefs of the Sherpa community and other inhabitants of the region. This includes appropriate dress, behavior, and interaction with the local people.

6. Wildlife Protection:
The Sagarmatha National Park is home to various wildlife species. Trekkers are expected to avoid disturbing wildlife, refrain from feeding animals, and follow guidelines to protect the natural habitat.

7. Camping Restrictions:
Camping is generally not allowed in the Everest Base Camp region to minimize environmental impact. Trekkers typically stay in teahouses or lodges along the trekking route.

8. Weather Considerations:
Trekkers should be aware of the weather conditions and be prepared for changes in weather, especially at higher elevations. The trek may be affected by adverse weather conditions, so flexibility in the itinerary is essential.

9. Insurance:
Trekkers are strongly advised to have travel insurance that covers emergency evacuation in case of medical issues or accidents during the trek.

Before embarking on the Everest Base Camp Trek, it's essential for trekkers to familiarize themselves with these restrictions, adhere to the guidelines, and be well-prepared both physically and mentally for the challenges of the trek. Consulting with local authorities, experienced guides, and healthcare professionals can contribute to a safe and enjoyable trekking experience.
1. Itinerary:
The typical itinerary for the Everest Base Camp Trek includes stops at key locations such as Lukla, Phakding, Namche Bazaar, Tengboche, Dingboche, Lobuche, Gorak Shep, and finally, Everest Base Camp. The return journey often follows a similar route.

2. Lukla Flight:
The trek usually starts with a flight from Kathmandu to Lukla. The Lukla airport is considered one of the most challenging and thrilling airstrips in the world, situated on a steep mountain slope.

3. Namche Bazaar:
Namche Bazaar is a significant acclimatization stop and a vibrant Sherpa town. It offers the first panoramic views of Everest and is a hub for trekkers.

4. Altitude Sickness:
Trekkers need to be aware of the symptoms of altitude sickness (headache, nausea, dizziness) and should not ascend too rapidly. Adequate acclimatization days are built into the itinerary to reduce the risk.

5. Kala Patthar:
Kala Patthar, a notable viewpoint, is often included in the trek. It provides stunning panoramic views of Mount Everest, Lhotse, Nuptse, and the Khumbu Glacier.

6. Tea Houses:
Tea houses along the trail offer basic accommodation and meals. The menu typically includes a variety of Nepali and international dishes. It's advisable to try local foods and stay hydrated.

7. Packing List:
A well-thought-out packing list is crucial. It should include warm clothing, a good quality sleeping bag, trekking poles, water purification tablets, sunscreen, a first aid kit, and other essentials.

8. Communication:
Communication facilities are available along the trek, but they can be expensive. Wi-Fi and mobile network services are more readily available in lower elevations.

9. Weather:
Weather conditions can be unpredictable, so it's essential to pack accordingly. Layers are key, as temperatures can vary widely during the day.

10. Trekking Permits:
Ensure that you obtain all necessary permits before starting the trek. Permits are typically checked at various points along the trail.

11. Responsible Trekking:
Respect the local culture and environment. Do not litter, and be mindful of the delicate Himalayan ecosystem. Follow the "Leave No Trace" principles.

12. Emergency Evacuation:
Understand the procedures for emergency evacuation. Helicopter rescue services are available in case of severe altitude sickness or other emergencies.

13. Post-Trek Celebration:
Many trekkers celebrate their accomplishment in Lukla or Kathmandu after completing the trek. It's a great way to reflect on the journey and share experiences with fellow trekkers.

Remember that the Everest Base Camp Trek is a challenging adventure that requires physical fitness, mental preparedness, and careful planning. Trekkers should be aware of their own limitations and prioritize safety throughout the journey.
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Detailed Itinerary:

Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu (1,350 m/4,429 ft)

Our representative will pick you up from the airport in Kathmandu and take you to a convenient hotel in Thamel. Explore the area's bustling shops and restaurants during the afternoon. Get ready for a memorable trip amidst the majestic Himalayas as you get to know your Everest Base Camp trek guide.

Day 02: Fly from Kathmandu to Lukla (2,850 m/9,350 ft), 35 mins; Trek to Phakding (2,651 m/8,698 ft), 3-4 hrs

The true thrill starts as we begin our journey to Everest Base Camp after a beautiful 40-minute flight to Lukla. Our fun and brief trip today will help us acclimatize. We'll travel through Chaurikharka Village and arrive in Phakding. Spend some time seeing nearby monasteries like Rimishung Monastery as you prepare for the lengthier trip.

Day 03: Trekking from Phakding to Namche (3,440 m/11,286 ft), 5-6 hrs

This day will be difficult but rewarding. We start our walk after breakfast, passing Sherpa communities like Benkar and Chumoa. We arrive at Monjo, the Sagarmatha National Park's entrance. Uphill and steep, the walk leads to Jorsalle village.

But the effort is worthwhile since you get to see amazing vistas of Thamserku, Everest, Lhotse, and Nuptse. As you continue, you'll arrive at the thriving Namche Bazaar encircled by astonishing mountains.

Day 04: Acclimatization Day in Namche

Today Namche Bazaar is crucial for acclimatization. We'll walk to the famous Everest View Hotel for breathtaking 360-degree views of Ama Dablam, Thamserku, Everest, Nuptse, and more. This aids in our bodies' ascent-decline process. After that, we'll return to the town and get ready to continue our thrilling journey.

Day 05: Trekking from Namche to Tengboche (3,860 m/12,664 ft), 5-6 hrs

Enjoy a leisurely walk today with fewer steep sections—it's ideal for photographers! Along the trip, be sure to take pictures of the Ama Dablam mountain, prayer flags, and stupas. We will arrive at the breathtakingly beautiful Tengboche Monastery.

Attend a service if you can, and consider giving a modest amount. Take advantage of the opportunity to light butter lamps, which will enhance your spiritual journey.

Day 06: Trekking from Tengboche to Dingboche (4,360 m/14,304 ft), 4-5 hrs

Before leaving for Dingboche, the day begins with breakfast. We will pass through picturesque settlements like Pangboche with views of Mt. Ama Dablam, chortens, and mani walls.

As we go up, we'll pass by fields where villagers produce potatoes, buckwheat, and barley that are enclosed by stone walls.

Day 07: Acclimatization Day in Dingboche

In Dingboche, today is crucially important for rest and acclimatization. Even though we take it easy, we stay active with a quick walk to Nagarjun Hill (5,100 metres). We are rewarded for our tough climb with stunning vistas of Ama Dablam, Lobuche, Lhotse, and other mountains.

We'll have a break at the summit, then make our way down to Dingboche to relax. If you're up for it, do another quick tour around the village. It's important to acclimatize so that you're prepared for the remainder of the climb.

Day 08: Trekking from Dingboche to Lobuche (4,900 m/16,076 ft), 4-5 hrs

The journey to Pheriche Valley begins with a gradual ascent through alpine brush and yak pastures. Enjoy breathtaking views of Ama Dablam, Tawoch, and Cholotse towering from the valley floor. The trail ascends to Thokla Pass, providing a difficult but worthwhile climb with expansive views of Nuptse, Lhotse, and other magnificent peaks.

We finally arrive in Lobuche, which is surrounded by stunning countryside. The natural surroundings are appealing for hikers and photographers alike, despite the unattractiveness of the settlement.

Day 09: Trekking from Lobuche to EBC (5,364 m/17,598 ft); Trek back to Gorak Shep (5,160m/16,929 ft), 8-9 hrs

This day is remarkable because we arrive at Everest Base Camp. We trek to Gorak Shep Village, which is encircled by snow-capped mountains along the lateral moraine of the Khumbu Glacier. Then we walk to Base Camp, which is closest to the tallest mountain in the world, after leaving our possessions there.

Enjoy the breathtaking scenery, capture it on camera, and consider your accomplishments. After that, we return to Gorak Shep while taking in views of the Khumbu Glacier, which is the tallest glacier on Earth.

Day 10: Morning hike to Kala Patthar (5,550 m/18,209 ft), Descend to Pheriche (4,250 m/13,944 ft), 7-8 hrs

On this day, we set out before dawn for a strenuous walk to Kala Patthar, the trek's highest point (5,545 meters). Experience a stunning 360-degree panorama that includes Everest, Nuptse, Lhotse, Ama Dablam, and more.

After seeing the sunrise, we head back to Gorak Shep for breakfast before making our way through Lobuche and the Thukla Pass to Pheriche. A little town called Pheriche has hotels, teahouses, yak pastures, and the Himalayan Rescue Association Clinic, which offers crucial services to local trekkers and mountaineers.

Day 11: Trekking from Pheriche to Namche Bazaar(3,440 m/11,286 ft), 6-7 hrs

As we move closer to Namche, today's trail declines with some uphill stretches. The restoration of the forests and flora revitalizes the scenery. It's a long and difficult day of walking, especially following the difficult trek to Kala Patthar the day before.

Day 12: Trekking from Namche to Lukla (2,850 m/9,350 ft), 5-6 hrs

The trek's end is drawing near. This is the last day of hiking as we follow the same path back to Lukla. Once we've arrived in Lukla, relax and have a nice night's sleep. Consider the amazing adventure we've just finished, one that was packed with stunning vistas and life-changing encounters.

Day 13: Fly from Lukla to Kathmandu (1,350 m/4,429 ft), 35-40 mins

It's time to say goodbye to the Khumbu Region and Mount Everest. Depending on flight availability and the weather, we either take a flight to Kathmandu or Manthali Airport to return.

We have time to shop once we get to Kathmandu before our evening farewell supper. Now is the perfect moment to reflect on the amazing journey to Everest Base Camp and the priceless experiences created en route.

Day 14: Final Departure
Three hours before your scheduled departure, a staff member will take you to the airport. It's time to say goodbye to Nepal, bringing fond memories of the amazing Everest Base Camp Trek and the artistic treasures of Kathmandu with you.

We sincerely hope you had a unique experience and await your return for more explorations of this stunning nation. Travel safely!
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Description Distance
Lukla Airport (2850m)
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Everest Base Camp (5364m)
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Everest Base Camp: The starting point fo
Namche Bazaar: A vibrant Sherpa market t
Tengboche Monastery: A historic Buddhist

Map & Directionskeyboard_double_arrow_up

Bhurungkhel, Kathmandu Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal

Points of Interest

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Everest Base Camp Trek (5364m)

Bhurungkhel, Kathmandu Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal
Host's Infokeyboard_double_arrow_up

Eco Nepal Trekkers & Expedition Pvt.Ltd.
Eco Nepal Trekkers and Expedition Pvt.Ltd. Is Government Registered (325419) Company In Nepal. that Offers Best Trekking, Peak Climbing, Expedition, Tour & Others Adventure Activities In Nepal ...
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Bhurungkhel, Kathmandu Nepal
Kathmandu, Nepal

Eco Nepal Trekkers & Expedition Pvt.Ltd.
Amar Chitrakar Marg, Kathmandu Nepal
Kathmandu, Nepal, 44600

Listing # RA-1287297
Updated: Jan 21, 2024 | Viewed 24 times.

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